Saturday, January 17, 2015

5) Process Groups - How much time and money is typically spent on projects in each of the process groups. Assume you have one year and $100,000 to spend. Justify your answer

By doing some research online find out that both Closing and Initiating does not consume much time and money. The core of the Process Group is at the Executing and Planning process, those are the foundation if I can say; here is where all the resources are shared together to come up with best result. In addition, we do not put aside the Monitoring process, although has only 9% but still this process is very important to accomplish the mission of the project.


  1. I agree. Although closing and initiating are the least time consuming and costly, they are often some of the most important from a project managers perspective.

  2. Good! You accounted for weekends. Were you expect the team to work weekend? Perhaps breaking this down by weeks or months would bring the same results without implying weekend work. Pf. Forman

  3. I just want to thank you for sharing your information and your site or blog this is simple but nice Information I’ve ever seen i like it i learn something today. Strategic planning process
